Welcome to Benepets


The Benepets Difference 

There is no shortage of coral foods on the market, however, there is no all-in-one whole biome food. We set out on a mission to take the fear out of feeding and educating the community about the importance of nutrition over nutrients. Scientifically formulated using only the highest quality ingredients such as our lab grown prebiotics and probiotics, beneficial bacteria, marine proteins, vitamins and minerals, superfoods, and bonded amino acids we’ve been able to develop a one of a kind whole-biome food that maximizes bioavailability and absorption like no other product in the market.

Benepets Expert

How do corals benefit from the nutrients and microbes found in Benereef?

Benereef doesn’t have a high protein content but rather a high carbohydrate content which is important because if you have a higher surplus of proteins and they are broken down you reach ammonia levels that are toxic to your system and reef inhabitants. Benereef’s bacteria serve multiple functions for coral, such as being a food to corals. They take the waste products that the corals produce like ammonia and incorporate that into the bacterial cell so it is producing food for the corals as the bacteria grow. The bacteria also reduce the nutrient level to the point you don’t get algae blooms. Inside the corals the bacteria produce compounds, (antibiotics) among other things that inhibit pathogenic bacteria creating a very beneficial symbiotic relationship.

Why is Benereef better at not creating phosphate pollution in salt water tanks?

Phosphate cycle: Benereef has been engineered with the perfect balance of phosphates which are an essential nutrient in any system. As food and nutrients are consumed and excreted during the phosphate cycle it will release orthophosphates into the water and if those orthophosphates are not used you’ll get algae blooms. Bacteria are scavengers and they seek out and capture those phosphates and store it and when the coral eats and consumes those bacteria you move those phosphates from the bacteria to the coral.

The Nitrogen Cycle, Benereef, and the nutrient composition of waste.

When protein is being consumed and broken down it produces ammonia. The Natural environment for corals and the ammonia levels in the ocean are an extremely low concentration of ammonia in the water around .001 parts per million. Some algae (particularly those that are associated with corals) can fix nitrogen by taking the atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into ammonia and the ammonia is assimilated by the algae and corals in protein. When the proteins are re-digested the ammonia is released which creates toxicity. There are certain types of bacteria that will convert that ammonia to nitrites and others that will continue to convert it into nitrates which are less toxic than ammonia. Benereef’s bacteria and other algae will also take that nitrate and use them for growth material and then the corals consume those algae and bacteria for food. Benereef’s proteins come from multiple sources of high quality proteins that play an important role in this process.

How does Benereef help fight “New Tank Syndrome”?

We have cultivated the perfect community of bacterias and other nutrients to avoid the initial shock of nutrient overload in the water to keep the perfect balance of organisms for the saltwater ecosystem. Benereef can be used skillfully to help establish a healthy bio load quickly